LTS (Link)
Jan 17, 2024
What's new in Werewolf Moderator 1.0 Release Candidate 7 / 2024.01.17.0?

Change log

New feature

  • Roles with target now show who’s still alive
  • Except for cupid and hunter, roles with target(s) are now automatically cleared when pressing the solve button to prepare for the next night
  • Kill log has been replaced with an easier to understand kill feed
    • Before: 3 got killed by hang, couple, hunter
    • After:
      • Hang 1
      • (1) couple kill 2
      • (2) hunter kill 3
  • Kill log now track full game, allowing a end game review of what happened

Bug fixes

  • If the target player is already dead return early to fix the following bug:
    • Couple 1 - 2
    • Someone kill 1
    • 1 kill 2
    • 2 kill 1
    • Log/kill feed show uup as 1 kill 2 AND 2 kill 1
  • The kill function now keep track of the kill chain to fix the following bug:
    • Guard protect 3
    • 2 is Hunter, target 3
    • Couple 1 - 2
    • 1 got hanged
    • 1 kill 2
    • 2 kill 3
    • expected: 3 got kill, since guard only protect at night
    • actual: guard protect 3 even though it’s day
  • The solve button now disable itself when clicked to avoid accidentally double clicking (re-enable on the next day)
  • Fix a bug where roles that wake every nth night does not show up in the first night
  • Fix a bug where roles that only wake up once still wake up every night.
  • Fix a bug where after clicking the clear save button and confirmed the are you sure prompt, another are you sure prompt appear.
  • Fix after going back to the projects page, when trying to close/reload the page a “are you sure” prompt appear.
  • Fix the clear save button clear everything in localStorage, it should only clear the one that are actually used by Werewolf Moderator.


  • Reimplement win condition screen
  • White werewolf: werewolf list should not show werewolf that are already dead